Make your first move - nike underwear
Together with ex soccer player Tim Maandag and DFTD agency, I got the opportunity that I have dreamt of since I was kid, working with Nike. Even though our video was a small part of a massive campaign, we are proud to present it.
OG Heroes
Sponsor introduction - Pippa van Iersel
Pippa is one the best kitesurfers around but unfortunately suffered an injury to her right knee during a competition.
She landed with a force of 11g’s, which tore her ACL.
This injury is not only hard on her physically but also mentally.
In this video I want to convey the emotion and struggle she is facing, while also showing her strength to keep going and get back out there.
silk di Laurentia
The Flow Of Elegance
For the 2021 collection of silk di Laurentia, we created a campaign that was all about the flow of the silk dresses.
Flow is an essential part in creating a silk dress. A good silk dress has a beautiful and elegant flow to it.
To show this we created a campaign that showed the flow and elegance of woman and her dress.
Stories - Caio silva
in Ziyel stories we highlight passionate visionaries.
In episode 2 we sat down with filmmaker caio silva.
Together with caio we created a series of photo's supported with a short docu film telling his story, vision and advice in a ziyel styled spotlight.